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$500k to fix the Problems of the World?
















That is  ALL the money it will take to start a new system that will fix the world and transform our planet into a dream world for the rich and common man alike. It will take a few years before the slower countries in the world will want to follow the formula but it will be a web-based system that will help everyone under the sun accomplish their dreams while making good money.


Do you want to be recognized as the man or woman that started it all? Starting this system will be an achievment good enough for your name to stand to the test of time.


If you’re rich please hear the pitch so you can double your money within a few months. I haven’t revealed a whole lot on my website because I don’t want to be ripped off by someone who doesn’t want to help the common man become very successful. The world will be in a better place if you’re wealthy enough to take action by hearing the pitch.


As Primary investor you will make all your money back within 60 days, guarunteed.


The system will incorporate entertainment to draw people in. Participants in the system will ‘pay’ for their entertainment by earning points by posting proofs for things they can do and by rating products, services & other participant contributions to the site. The site will be a gold mine for all kinds of statistics and demographics that you can imagine. If a participant is out of work they will be able to ‘incept’ companies that occupy unique market niches that produce products and services that people need or have high interest in. Most successful companies throughout the world will want to establish a presence on the site and use it as a standard for many aspects of their business (like scheduling, punching in and out, employee management and so forth). The aspect of the system designed to incept companies will be so solid that not one company will fail unless those that work in it conspire to kill it. There will be enough checks and balances in the system to make that outcome nearly improbable.


It will be unlike anything the world has seen and it will take only 1 man to think of all the concepts to drive it to the #1 international standard for success. I am the most intelligent man in the world when it comes down to organizational intelligence, and I will prove it when the world sees the system working wonders for everyone. If you bet against me you will lose.


Hear the pitch by responding to my tweet or using a method below to get in touch. It's time for you to become a true visionary.


The participant facing side will be HTML and java based.


Click here if you want to review a few of the ladder concepts.


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