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Hire me, I was Adam... and I'm not Joking.














If you want your businesses to be promoted through the process of hiring me, then inquire what I can do for you. I can do most high paying jobs better than the people who have them without much experience, unless it's a job that necessarily needs a female's touch. Although it's a staggering claim I will prove it to the family over the next 8 years or so and will be famous within the next few. Don't let the grammatical mistakes on this (free)website and the free videos I've made fool you, all I can say is I was probably just having fun. I can act, write top movie scripts, write books and be a top performer at music and lead any company better than virtually any CEO on the market. Orator? easy. I'm searching for someone smart enough to get in touch with me to inquire about what I can do as a tribute to breaking through the faith barrier. I want to reward someone who has faith in what he feels is true. Knowing that I am Adam is part of the Apocalypse.


At this point I need a job so If you're LDS and you hope to position yourself within range of the meeting at Ondi-Ahman you'll need to ally up as I'm not very well established on the earth at this time, because of the vast time I needed to absorb my terrible upbringing. Can I generate gold out of the ethers of eternity? I'll need some time to prep before I can showcase God's power in ways like that.  I'm going to prove to the planet that I can manufacture #1s in just about any way under the sun to prove to citizens on it that a complete being can draw from his past life experiences to formulate success in just about any endeavor. Free your mind. If you know about me and pass up an opportunity to work with me you may never have an opportunity to make so much easy cash again in your life. To those who don't believe that I was Adam and many other well-known people throughout history then just ask God for a witness and don't be afraid to enjoy it.


When I'm out of work I tend not to be as sharp as if I had it a job. It's important to realize this quote that's about me: "Joseph Smith has done more for the salvation of people in this world than anyone else who has lived on it, save Jesus Christ." Although the conclusions of most LDS people are incomplete(thinking that the work I did to help bring people to a knowledge of their creator was done in just 1 life-time) they will have this revelation unfolded to them in due time. I take credit only for the things I did in my past lives, and it's truth that I was Joseph Smith, and I'm accountable to God to know it. If this is not enough to help you to realize the importance of getting me within range of the creative and other business opportunities I will need to finish up my work on this planet then I don't know what will. If you know I'm Adam then who can help you better than I to evolve you as an individual and be prepared for greater success on into eternity. I was Joseph Smith, John the Baptist, Moses, Melchizadek, and a few others. If you doubt my metal then just remember that in the end I get the victory and will be acknowledged as the father of all living and Lord under Jehovah by everyone that's anyone. Also note that in this incarnation an important thing to point out about my upbringing was that it was setup in a manner to expose myself to circumstances that would be sufficient to facilitate the breakdown of my mind's mental health, so I could rebuild it again for the benefit of those that would need assistance to to be whole. I took doses of physical, emotional and sexual damage that would otherwise turn most people into the vialist of sinners. This started from an early age as I developed. The end result of what happened to me as I developed was a similar dose of developmental damage comparible to what a rapist, murderer or Child molester would receive. Although I have not participated in any of those activities I know what it's like to be presented with the same thoughts and tendancies that lead those kinds of people on into those types of grievous sins. Although I'm not ready to manifest the power I did as Moses or Melchizadek because of my upbringing the circumstances in my upbringing came about so that I could be uniquely qualified to help turn around people who have been in similar developmental circumstances(Or then again I might be pretending to not be able to exercise great power). If God did not shape my life in a way away from influences that would further facilitate the degredation of my desires I likely would have turned out like one of them. This round I will help dig those types of people out of hell and help them into the peace they were once acquainted with, compliments of Jesus Christ and his propitiation for our sins.


So now that you know who I am then remember that I don't plan to spend much more than a decade on the earth so please hire me so that I can help you to accomplish your money making ambitions in film and in business (I'll probably throw in some music in there also). The money I make will go to start the Apocalypse system. And to the folks at marvel please let me show you how to make your next movie billions. Please respect my ambition to join you in that endeavor. Remember the story about how Apocalypse tries to turn everyone into mutants? That's what I plan to do in my future with this new system. The first man was me, the first "mutant" as the story goes was inspired by the creative minds at Marvel by my very own spirit. If you invoke to doubt me(Bryan) you will get no complete witness of this fact. Let father show you how to put on a good show. I don't want to have to write a history that those involved within the leadership of the production have no soul for that is what will be written if I don't get an invite to play my own character.  You guys will all know that I was the first man at a future point, if you don't already realize it now. You will like my contributions from start to finish, guarunteed. To the Romney's I pray you be willing to hear how I can make your name stand the test of time and it will not require much bending or stretching. To the LDS First Presidency and Quroum of the twelve I declare that none of you has won my heart, despite knowing who I am. I hope you will get in touch soon so I can edit this blunder out of this article. If you want to be recognized as being intellectually resourceful you will use me as a consultant to understand how I plan to shape the future of the planet because how I will will affect the kingdom also. It is my commitment to the folks in Hollywood that I will help the LDS church to a place that it not be nearly as boring as it is at the present time. The lack of enthusiasm to get involved in the church has come about as a result of limited intel as no true visionaries have been present within it over the last 170 years. To folks that don't esteem the church very highly, I feel your concerns are legitimate.  In years to come the kingdom will likely have reduced week to week functions. To the many people that can't stomach showing up week after week to a 1-3 hour meeting block the good news is that the current standard will likely become the old standard very soon after I've implemented the Apocalypse system. Smart people don't want to become involved in the church because they feel it doesn't have the metal needed to keep them stay interested in it and I speak for those people having felt the same way.


Do you not think I can make your movie a standard for greatness? Or your radio program the most listened to radio program? Or your company #1 at customer service or formulate it to stand the test of time? Maximize your profits? Increase your stock? If you doubt me then I will show your competitor that formula for success instead and that will be to your own dismay.


So... stop! Wake up--and LISTEN.


The plan is that I unveil to world that I was Adam as only a hint on the big screen and to make that movie the highest grossing movie of all-time. Without me the X-men movie will not become that.

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