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The Buddah




















September 26th 2014


If you guys ever wanted to know the most laid back guy on the planet you might want to meet the Buddah. He taught some interesting stuff and massed quite a large following as a result. If you're a buddist then you might want to get in touch with your King so that he can show you how an enlightened man can have a good time.


Sometimes when we're having too good of a time it can be hard to remember some of the other things that are of great import. The man known as Buddah has come back and his new name is none other than Jacob Russell. If you're a Buddhist he was the father of your religion, he's intelligent, loves trivia and might feel a little insulted if you don't know some of the trivia that he thinks ought to be obvious to most intelligent people. My push to market him will be on Jeopardy, where he can actually hang with the best of them.


A treasure. Here's what he looks like in his new body

and like Muhammad he prefers Jesus as his leader.











I received my testimony that Jake was the Buddah

while meditating on September 26th, 2014.







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