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Feeling the world through the astral plane and discovering real clues about the future

Turmoil in 2015? Is it going to happen or do we have the ability to help prevent it?


In all things we are either for or against we can do something to help mold our own future. By 2015 enough little people will be educated enough to demand change. This is where the turmoil weill come from.


Arrogant lies like the attacks of september 11th 2001 have been a large source of difficulty for our country, especially among the leaders of other countries, like China.


In fact it was here I learned that Chinese leadership have discussed and planned that we pay large prices if we don't change, like with nuclear warfare.


And the Chinese aren't half crazy for being so mad at us. How many times have we schemed directly? The gold bar fraud of 2009? Largest ever and who was at the heart of it? Are the fingers pointing to the Rockefellers facing in the right direction? Or was it the US treasurey? Either way losing hundreds of millions from a Gold scam won't sit to well with anyone, especially when there is enough evidence pointing toat corruption from within our government.


And 9/11? Are we arrogant enough to try to suggest to the world it was capitulated by some random terrorist group and that the towers fell by anything other than a controlled demolition?


Here's 3 easy facts that show our government is lying about involvment:

The fires weren't hot enough to cause steel to melt. burning kerosene is insufficient to cause steel to melt, especially at the intensity the fires burned on 9/11.

There were thousands of pounds of molten steel recovered from the site. Fact.

Thermal cameras from space confirmed the temperatures were above the temperature kerosene burns at. Jet fueld is mostly kerosene. Fact.

You get molten steel from explosives in a controlled demolition. Any other time? In a kerosene fire? A 24 hour firey inferno on a famous fireon a steel building wasn't even enough to collapse the building. 9/11 Kerosene fire temperature: 900-1100 F max. Melting point of steel 2700+ Fahrenheit


The official report lied ever so arrogantly on those 2 facts. The general population bought into it. Too many people could not and thus the 9/11 movement started. The official report suggests the fall was a progressive collapse. If so the top floors would have fallen off, leaving the bottom floors. Another lie.


People vying for power can't stand such arrogance, and the chinese have their own share of power mongers but at the present the money we lose from them is mostly all in their own country (like from piracy) and its individuals vs companies or governments who are the largest culprits.


Because of what our government did after 9/11 (use it as a front to pass the patriot act, use it as a front to go into Iraq and Afganistan and Rob the people in those places in the ways they did through confiscation and so forth is way too much funny business for real fact finders to stomach. Just a little education is enough to come to the conclusion that we have components within our government that are largely corrupt and have abused our power far too long.


By 2015 large amounts of people will ask we fix the damage we did to people in our own country and abroad.  This will be for insurance against calamity. There are many good people in our country but so much obvious chicanery is enough to tip the scales into serious aggrevation, especially if things are done to step on China's toes a bit more.


Respect is part of the price for needed for peace, Peace is what most people want. Lack of Respect gets under most people's skin when it happens repetitively.


It was on the astral plane I heardin the voice of God around september or October of 2011 that there are more than 250 thousand people on this earth that have been ritually involved in human sacrifice who haven't turned away from those behaviors, like the aztecs. He gave me the exact number (by the thousand) and as I recall I think he said about 258 thousand.


When these people infest the government you can rest assured there will be wars and rumors of wars. They have, they're here and they use mass genocide to appease their demon Gods. Some even believe demons can feed off the energy of people that perish from murder.


At any rate once we finish convincing these people to change our civilization will be in a better place. My admonition to any of them is simply "You're going to be a loser in the afterlife if you don't".


God creates true winners that last on into eternity and people that work in evil are losers that have to feed off the hard earned efforts of other people.


So By april of 2014 you will see at least 1 prominant person willing to spill their guts about 9/11. Will it be Colin Powell or will he be stifled or disuaded? He's willing to do the right thing but this doesn't mean the people around him are. Watch the news to find out what clues materialize that started on the astral plane and bleed into reality.


We know we will have made progress if we can get a disclosure about 9/11 by 2019


Free energy and other advanced technologies that are known to exist but are kept from the people due to greed? What is a good year to have those made public?


These are topics I don't care to talk about because I didn't start these problem, I can only see that the people who did have a serious sickness.




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