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He-Man Masters of the Universe






















If you own the rights to the new He-man franchise, I am coming after you. It is said to be owned by none other than Sony Pictures.


I explained in this article that inspiration(even if divine) is a common method that burns in the hearts of creative artists. Those artists can receive inspiration that comes from beyond the thoughts and intents of their own heart--whether that inspiration comes from God, spirits, or any other vibrations that can affect the mind.


Sony Pictures: I was literally Prince Adam AND YOU NEED TO KNOW IT. It's party time. It's time to produce world class best of all time art and it's time that you put your name and brand on it and rake in the piles of money that will be yours to claim.


I intend to start the next He-Man movie from this website and you folks at Sony won't have to do much except verify the math I present to you about how to formulate it, recruit the right talent, create some of the greatest stories of all time. You get to make big money all because you own the rights to it. I'm virtually a master of all creation. This is my past life resume--but it only includes lives I've lived on this planet(not to mention that thousands of lives I've lived on other planets). Of my resume you can't beat it unless you're God himself--and you can verify it with a request from the divine to affirm the truth of it. In the age of the new millennium there will be no greater minds available for you craft greater stories, greater art and invigorate the populace of the planet better than me(unless you can find the money to hire Jesus). He's coming back in the very near future(no more than 20 years). You will be able to verify all my processes and see that they are good. You need to obligate yourself to bring forth the best and most invigorating art this planet can enjoy and I ask that you do it through me because I am a pleasure to work with, I know where all the pieces fit & I am simply the greatest mastermind walking around on this planet.


So without furter adieu I annoint myself to bring you guys productions worth over 2-3 billion a pop at the box office. 3 billion? Easy. I am that smart. #2 or 3 or 4 highest grossing movies are not good enough for me as it should not be either for your standards when you can pay for the best.


So the first point to talk about is the casting process I'll use. I use my vast knowledge of the metaphysical to determine who is the greatest asset for each character. I want the best. I'm a seer. I see the man or woman with the greatest upside without having to go through much of a casting process. Instead of using the process that most people use(the type where the casting director only sees what's on the surface) I use revelation to know who is the best. Most actors chosen will already be doing the acting thing. Their names are given to me as I come up from sleep or in revelation during the waking moments of the day. If the man or woman with the greatest upside doesn't want to "bring it" then I will convince him to or find someone else. I don't choose quitters.


As you continue to review my 'data' about how to make the best movie about He-man you need to remember this is primarily a teaching tool for the folks at Sony Pictures. I'll update it from time to time and then tweet them the updates. A good producer is always a sucker for a great story. I have a plan to blow out of the water whatever they thought was great.


Casting the Actors

The key to casting the most billiant choice for a character is choosing the actor with the greatest upside. Unless you have great gifts of intuition you will need to be smart enough to not only look at the spirit profile of the individual but know how to pull out of that individual his(or her) greatest performance. I can do both. So--what the heck is the spirit profile of an individual? It's the culmination of an individuals life to life effort as recorded on their spirit. People collect experience until they reach mastery. The spirits with the most registered points of light are the most intelligent. Each point of experience is a man's or woman's reference point that helps that mind to slowly build a 3 dimensional understanding of where all the components of reality fit.


The reason one man can do stuff another man of similar genetics can't is do is due to factors of personality--the personality of the spirit. Ambition to suceed is acquired over lifetimes. Some people have it and others don't. The more life experience an individual has acquired the greater their upside will be at the things they have life experience in. Actors that have the best chance shaping artistic circumstances to their greatest value are the actors that need to be employed. I can assemble and put them in place like a master would. Remember that my intelligence and techniques are truly far out there--but they work. I have tested and proven them and my spirit knows they work. I suppose myself to be greater at thinking outside of the box than any when it comes to creative art.


If you are not sold on the fact that spirit to spirit and divine sent revelation are a strong base then remember this claim: You can never craft as great a life as Abraham or Elijah or John the Baptist unless you use your gift of revelation. You can never use the power of God to showforth great miracles without having developed a gift in revelation first. As far as using your intelligence to do great things God works primarily through revelation and inspiration--and those 2 things aren't practical until after you have developed enough faith(through your lives) and ambition to manifest the power of the divine.


Without further adieu here are the actors that I would cast. Before casting them I'd explain to them that they are to think of their job working for me as an actor as nothing more than being part of the greatest assemblage of creative minds in history(that we could possibly find & within budget) to build up the He-man brand. Everyone needs to know how to carry the production when it's time to act in their moments. I will elevate all of them to their greatest performances--after they have shaped their character to its greatest value.

            Tom Hiddleston                                Skeletor                                               Ronda Rousey                                 She-Ra

Skeletor: Tom Hiddleston. As I retired to meditate with the intention to know who the best actor on the market is to play Skeletor it was revealed to me that Tom Hiddleson has the greatest upside of all the contestants on the market. I will wrestle with him until he has found it. As Skeletor he needs to be defiant, evil, imposing and the emodiment of a human without a soul and yet still an incredible mastermind. Endowed with both magic and great physical strength Tom will know how to play him.


She-ra - Rhonda Rousey: She's already tops as a combatant but it will be very important to evolve her into a great actress. She will likely be difficult to script.

                Prince Adam                                 He-man                                                  Josh Brolin                                     Clawful

Prince Adam / He-man: Myself. Will I play He-man or prince Adam or both? Will have to dig deep into the realm of perfect inspiration to decide. I was literally father Adam. I'm the only living man that can claim it as a past life.


Clawful - Josh Brolin. The World's Strongest bottom feeder. An image of Josh Brolin was projected to me a few days after I began to contemplate who would be the best choice for that role. Will be interesting to shape this hero.

  Michael Fassbender                    Orko                                     Man-at-arms                    James D'arcy                    Paul Bettany

Orko - Michael Fassbender: As I came up from meditation I learned that Michael Fassbender's spirit was implicit in inspiring a point of the character. Nevertheless I think Martin Freeman would do a better job. Hopefully we'll see who wants it more.


Man-at Arms: It was revealed to me that the true man-at arms was inspired for the new incarnation of Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla's new incarnation was finally revealed to me around May 23rd 2016 and the revelation came as I came up from sleep as a small visual with a vibration that came out of it "The guy that plays Jarvis". Both are pictured. The first revelation I received about Tesla's new incarnation was that he has grey hair around his side burns--given to me about February 2016.

                    Idris Elba                                 Beast Man                                            John Dolmayan                               Ram-man

Beast Man - Idris Elba. Another revelation from the Astral plane.


Ram-man - John Dolmayan. Sometimes 'hard headed'. In the Old testament John was a Son of Noah called Ham.

                      ?????                                             Teela                                                     Chris Nelson                              Man E-Faces

Teela - Who knows? That's a good photo of someone that looks like Teela & has the smarts of a good actress. Truth is that I'm not perfectly sure who Teela was inspired for. When I asked to know who it was inspired for the response I got was "She's dead". --Just remember that it's acceptable to use expressions on the astral plane. If she's literally dead don't be surprised either. When someone is dead inside it's not uncommon to hear a response like that when I try to find out someone's new incarnation. When the spirit of the individual that inspired Teela becomes healthy enough to be revealed then I'll update this segment.

Another interesting experience I had was when I learned that Chris Nelson had a character inspired for him as I came up from sleep. Man E Faces. Sometimes cold blooded, sometimes solid, sometimes defensive? This could be a character of great depth. Chris hasn't acted in this life but he has in past lives. It wouldn't take much coaching to get him prepped for such a roll. The preparation I'd inspire of any actor working along side me will be very solid.

             Gwen Stefani                                   Evil-lyn                                          Christopher Eccleston                         Trap Jaw


Gwen Stefani: Great evil laugh, solid eye candy version of Evil-lyn.

Jaime Murray: Jaime could also get it done. A different version of Evelyn but sellable.

King Hiss:

I don't know who would be a better choice for this role other than James Frain.  Anyone greater?


             Jaime Murray                                                Vin Diesel                                   Moss Man

Trap Jaw? Christopher Eccleston has the skill set to play him. How about Moss Man? A Villain for Vin Diesel.

         Kevin Costner                          Stratos                                    Karl Urban                              Cringer                                             Battle Cat

Stratos? Designed for Kevin Costner? His spirit says no. Karl Urban has the skillset to play a good Battle Cat.

I won't say if they all will be featured in 1 movie. In the movie industry today each successful franchise has it's own unique brand of art. This one needs a unique Rhythm. Let's let that rhythm syncopate with profundity at the same time.

Phases of the Production


I will work on each category in process of time


1 - Concept Map - A Partial Concept map is posted. Fundamental to a great movie are great concepts. Concepts are the make or break foundation to a movie.

2 - Scripting - show Sony proof that I produce the best scripting.

3 - Assemblage of Talent(both technical & artistic)

4 - Casting(the general casting process is discussed on this page)

5 - Filming

6 - Marketing Strategies

7 - Editing

8 - Worldwide Release, raking in the dough and laughing at the production companies that never hired me. Shallow people don't deserve to make any money off of me. Anyone who scoffed at my claims regarding who I am and what I can do without first consulting with God about them are either faithless, too weak to ask or perhaps just foolish.


Who will direct? I'm the best. I should. I'm a tested and proven great director. Yes, even before this whole planet thing started. We incarnate from more advanced worlds to prove ourselves on primative ones. This is obviously a primative world--or at least historically it has been. We started this civilization from scratch only a few thousand years ago yet that the world is as old as scientists say--I am convinced of that fact. I believe there have been ancient civilizations on this world before ours that were only temporary. If I wasn't top of the mark at this sort of thing(and everything else) then I wouldn't be the frigg'n Archangel. Yes the name I'm called in heaven is Michael. If anyone tells you that Jesus is Michael then you need to remind that person that the Archangel is still just an angel and that Jesus Christ is God.  My claims are true so get over it.


I was Elijah the prophet in a past life and God already forecasted my return(Through Malachi) and has given me an assignment to turn the hearts of the Children to the Fathers(lest he smite the earth with a curse) as discussed in Malachi chapter 4 verses 5 & 6. Be part of that process by opening the doors to this great opportunity. I don't need to tell people about it in film. The movies are to invigorate the people. After people are relaxed they will find it easy to hear about the other facets of my life(and lives) that are true and interesting. There's not a way I'd let any producer walk away unconvinced that I can do what I say I can do if he listens to me long enough to verify I'm the real deal. I would only meet with such a producer if I was 100% prepared.  Sony pictures: Let's get together for a few hours and then watch me teach all of the best and most seasoned producers in Hollywood how to create he best movies.


It is a certain impossibility for a movie that I mastermind to be a flop. I use God as my chief consultant because everyone else is too afraid to--so I have a mega advantage. Believe me only after you verify my math if you perfer. With the kind of talent out there there is no excuse for any spirit as advanced as myself to make crap that can't be successful..

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